You are obese? You are afraid they may become pregnant? According to popular belief, obesity and pregnancy would not mix. What are the risks?
A woman does not need to lose weight before becoming pregnant. There is no specific complications. Losing weight is not a necessity before becoming pregnant. In short, no panic: obesity and pregnancy can go together.
Pregnancy of an obese woman requires a serious medical
In fact, the pregnancy of an obese woman is likely to happen as that of a woman of normal weight, but requires more attention and monitoring by the physician. Blood sugar levels should be monitored to detect a possible gestational diabetes. Risk of renal vascular complications (hypertension, eclampsia, abruptio placenta, phlebitis) are not neglected either, and blood pressure monitor.
Obesity predisposes to no one caesarean section: the risks are the same for a thin woman. The thickness of the fat can be a problem, however, to realize the caesarean, some forms of obesity. Anesthesia also calls for the delicacy of the products used will be housed in fats and are eliminated more slowly. On the other hand, ultrasound is sometimes less accurate: the fat can hinder the passage of ultrasound. As for the epidural, it presents no risk even if it is more difficult to implement.
What are the risks to the child?
Unfortunately no one knows very little about the risks that obese woman puts her child during pregnancy. There seems to be a risk (rare) abnormalities of the central nervous system (loose or no brain). Hypertension, when present, may also cause growth retardation in utero, but with unknown reasons.
In short, no need to separate obesity and pregnancy. Every obese is above all a woman has the right to be a mother. Fertility is closely dependent on psychological factors, and pregnancy qu'obésité thinking are mutually exclusive is not going to facilitate procreation. Remember also this misconception that it would be necessary to lose much weight to planning a pregnancy.