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Pain and pregnancy: when to worry?
Pregnancy is a natural, physiological, but which is very often accompanied by painful phenomena. The pain is not necessarily indicative of an abnormal pregnancy. However, some pain, with or without other symptoms, should lead them to consult a doctor promptly. Panorama of the warning signs.
For each type of pain - uterine contractions, abdominal pain - it is necessary to distinguish what is a normal discomfort during pregnancy and what should be considered a warning sign of more serious problem.
Uterine contractions and pregnancy
Having a few contractions during pregnancy is normal. These are rather located in the pelvis or the lower abdomen, increased walking, do not become regular and do not cause hardening of the uterus. These pains are commonplace due to pelvic pain syndrome or syndrome of the round ligaments. The pregnant woman experiences pain in the groin as the uterus pushes on one side, thereby stretching the ligaments to the other side.
This phenomenon occurs at any time during pregnancy but usually between the 18th and 22nd week. However, if the contractions become more intense, are very painful, if the uterus hardens, consult very quickly. This may be a sign of a miscarriage, especially if these are accompanied by painful contractions with bleeding, or premature labor later in pregnancy.
Abdominal pain and pregnancy
Abdominal pain should alert very strong. They need medical advice urgently. In early pregnancy, the pain can be a sign of ectopic pregnancy. Later, they may indicate a miscarriage, especially if accompanied by blood loss. Another possible pathology: separation of the placenta, during the last three months of pregnancy. In this case, the abdominal pain is severe and are often accompanied by bleeding of black blood and uterine contractions - the uterus is hard, painful and does not relax-.
Finally, abdominal pain can signal the beginning of premature labor at any time between the 20th and 37th week of pregnancy. Signs? Menstrual type cramps above the pubic bone, feeling of pressure or pain in the pelvis, thighs or groin, back pressure or back pain dull. This pain can be accompanied by abdominal cramps or diarrhea but also increase in vaginal discharge or loss transparent, pinkish or brownish and even vaginal bleeding.
Headaches and pregnancy
In early pregnancy, often headaches multiply. They are mainly related to changes in blood pressure and quickly fade from the end of the third month. Subsequently, simple migraines or headaches transients due to excessive heat or stress do not warrant special concern. But if these headaches are resistant to paracetamol, whether with or without edema (swelling) of the face and lower limbs or floaters before your eyes, consult a doctor will measure blood pressure search and albumin in the urine. Indeed, these symptoms can sign a pre-eclampsia (preeclampsia), defined by the onset of hypertension. This occurs most often after the fifth month of pregnancy.
Without falling into paranoia, so be attentive to some pain during the 9 months of your pregnancy. And see quickly if warning sign!