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The physical consequences

The physical consequences of abortion are numerous and poorly understood due to a "blackout" total on the subject. Yet there is evidence that abortion increases the risk of infertility by about 10% in women. Cases of deaths due to legal or illegal abortions are low, but a woman has, however, two times more likely to die from legal abortion as a normal delivery, and this at any stage of development the child.

1-In more than 5% of cases, induced abortion complications, the most frequent retention (the body of the embryo is not completely removed from the uterus) and local or generalized infections.

2-The woman may also suffer from uterine perforation, cervical laceration of the matrix hemorrhages.

3-In addition, the risk in future pregnancies are numerous: doubling the rate of ectopic pregnancies, and increase risk of miscarriage and premature births. This proportion is doubled in women who had abortions 2-3

4-Finally, physicians rank in medical complications related to abortion what they call "iterative use", that is to say the very strong probability that a woman who has had her first abortion reiterates a or more times.

In 1985, I. N.E.D. stated that a woman who aborted a first time had an 18% chance to abort a second time, a woman who aborted twice a 22% chance of aborting a third time, and a woman who had three abortions was 28% likely to abort a fourth time. This risk is linked to post-abortion syndrome, and is partly explained by the fact that subconsciously a woman who aborts a second time trying to "exorcise" somehow her first abortion, in the perspective, to diminish the importance, to justify a little more, because those around him and the whole society are not able to help bring the true remedies to his discomfort, much like the alcoholic who unwittingly drinks for forget ... he drinks.