Want to get pregnant quickly, how?
It is decided, you want a child!
Here are some ways to get pregnant quickly, under the best conditions and calmly start your pregnancy.
And after stopping the pill?
Be aware that stopping the pill does not necessarily cause the resumption of ovulation immediately. So do not panic if you do not become pregnant within three months.
Knowing your ovulation day
Indeed, it is then that the chances of getting pregnant are the greatest. It is usually about the 14th day after menstruation begins. You can know the time by measuring your temperature on a cycle. Body heat is stronger in effect just after ovulation. Note the data, it will serve you better understand your cycle and your periods of fertility.
There are also pharmacy ovulation tests (Primatime, Revelatest, Biotester, Ovutest, DISCRETEST) Advantage: they announce one to two days before the day of ovulation and therefore allow to anticipate. Based on the concentration of hormones present in urine, they are reliable to 96%.
Having sex every three days
The life span of sperm is about 72 hours once expelled in the genital cavities.
What position to get pregnant quickly?
Contrary to popular belief, there is no evidence that a special position of Student Reports during or after the report favors the rise of sperm in the cervix.
Eat properly
Healthy Eating promotes fertility. Low calorie diets do lose weight but can certainly make an impact against hormonal fertility. So better to stop the restrictions a few months before trying to get pregnant. Too much sugar increases the production of adrenaline, a hormone that interacts with progesterone, whose role is to prepare the uterus for potential pregnancy.
Coffee, alcohol and tobacco also have a negative impact on fertility.
The good season
Fertility is not the same throughout the years. Sperm are produced in greater numbers in early spring and late fall. They are more mobile in the late summer, early fall. This is the fall, early winter that seems, for men, the best time for conception.
Monitor your medications
Some analgesics, such as anti-inflammatory drugs act on the prostaglandin hormones that have a role in the contraction of the uterus. Ask your doctor but it is better to abstain during the period of ovulation.
Stress, anxiety, fear of not succeeding are all reasons that may make it less easy design. So let time take its course, if you just stop the pill, be very attentive to your body to reconnect with your natural rhythms. Ask yourself also possibly unconscious psychological blocks that can prevent conception.