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Fitness after childbirth: the virtues of thalassotherapy
Having a baby is not harmless! Today, he sleeps in your arms and of course you are the happiest of mothers. But because there is always a but ... Whatever the age, occupation or personality, pregnancy and childbirth you may have made more vulnerable and would like to be pampered while enjoying your baby for a few days. A fitness becomes necessary ... Quick, a thalassotherapy stay in postnatal must!
Why a spa after delivery?
Your pregnancy may be accompanied by circulatory problems, back pain, excess weight or a relaxation of the muscles of the abdominal wall. In short, your body has suffered during pregnancy and childbirth. Your body but your mind! Many young mothers can also suffer from stress, fatigue or anxiety. The baby blues is watching you! The main mission of the treatment after delivery will be to restore all anatomical changes induced during pregnancy and the birth of the newborn.
What is a post-natal spa?
The fitness
Following the birth of a baby, many moms will experience emotional and physical changes. Pregnancy becomes a good time to do physical activity.
Following the birth of a baby, many moms will experience emotional and physical changes. Pregnancy becomes a good time to do physical activity, which at the same time to better manage the many changes occurring in the body of the pregnant woman. This energy expenditure will help to have a better sense of physical well-being, self confidence and will also find a physical condition that will be similar to that before pregnancy. Having a good physical condition during pregnancy help the woman recover more easily after giving birth.
However, it remains difficult to determine a new mother when she can go to exercise, especially when it will be possible again? In fact, it is recommended to wait four to six weeks after delivery before starting any exercise program, taking care to look very closely at these factors and take them into consideration.
Exercise during pregnancy
Staying fit during pregnancy has many benefits. Exercise helps you maintain a good level of energy, control your weight gain and develop strength you need to give birth. It is important to choose a type of exercise you like and that your doctor considers safe. Check it out on this. It will tell you many activities and exercises suitable for a normal pregnancy, including brisk walking, aerobics without jumping, stationary bicycle, swimming or aerobics. By cons, there are exercises to avoid.
A good program designed specifically for pregnant women provides the following benefits: muscle tone, weight control, better posture, fight against insomnia, improved circulation, breathing techniques and even good fitness quicker after delivery.
How to prevent nausea during pregnancy
Dreaded the effects of pregnancy-related nausea, also known as "morning sickness" can be a demoralizing effect of a side happiest moments in the life of the woman. However, there are ways to minimize the occurrence of nausea during pregnancy using some simple techniques.
1. Avoid strong odors. Smells really intense, like a wet dog or cooked fish, can induce overwhelming wave of nausea. Avoid these odors in your own home and have trigger your partner before you go and "evaluate" for these smells when you're out in public.
2. Stay away from gas producing foods. These foods, including beans, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, cucumbers, lettuce, peppers, sauerkraut, onions, spinach and others, can cause excessive gas production leading to colon stomach and nausea. But remember, eating a balanced diet healthy and nutritious to maintain the health of your pregnancy.
Sport and pregnancy: sports when you are pregnant
Nexium is a pill prescribed for people who have acid reflux disease, also known as GERD. It disables some cells producing acid in the stomach. By reducing the amount of acid you produce, Nexium helps to alleviate heartburn and also heals the damage that acid reflux has already done to your esophagus. Pregnancy can worsen (or create) acid reflux symptoms.
Nexium is considered a pregnancy drug category B.
Category B
A drug class b means that this animal, studies have shown that there was no harm to the fetus, or that there is no risk of overdraft during the first four trials with women .
Sport and pregnancy: sports when you are pregnant
Playing sports during pregnancy can improve the health of mother and baby.
Playing sports during pregnancy is not impossible. Once a woman is pregnant, people tend to regard it as a delicate flower. But if you are pregnant, this does not mean that you should consider yourself very fragile physically. Look forward to the attention that others take you, but remember to take care of all your form.
Playing sports when you are pregnant can help you avoid pain and suffering during pregnancy, make your pregnancy more enjoyable, and prevent you from depression. Contrary to a belief that persists, play sports when you are pregnant does not increase your risk of miscarriage.
Playing sports when you are pregnant is very important to have a healthy pregnancy
Breathing and yoga during grossesse
During pregnancy, many changes occur in your body. These changes are designed to protect you and to foster the growth and development of your baby.
One of the significant change occurs at the level of respiration. It is normal that you have a sensation of "stuffiness", especially during the last quarter. The growth of the uterus causes elevation of the diaphragm, reducing breathing capacity of lungs. As compensation mechanism, and to maintain adequate oxygenation, both for you and your baby, the body increases the volume of air mobilized by increasing respiratory rate.
For these unpleasant sensations disappear or at least be as painless as possible, we advise you to do yoga.
Benefits of yoga during pregnancy
Yoga is an ancient form of spirituality that originated in India. It is deeply connected to religious beliefs and practices of Hinduism and other Indian religions. In addition to providing spiritual comfort and mental relaxation, yoga also helps in regulating the physiological balance and improves fitness. Yoga is practiced around the world in the form of asanas or postures. There are a variety of yoga postures that help to coordinate the movement and breathing. These postures also provide self-care during pregnancy and prepare for labor and delivery. Here are details of some benefits of yoga during pregnancy.
Cat Pose: Cat posture is beneficial for the spine and lower back. Pregnant women often experience severe pain in these areas. This pose increases the flexibility of the spine and back.
Heroine Pose: This posture is most recommended to provide relief for nausea and indigestion.
Yoga and pregnancy
In recent years, stress has grown considerably in our societies. Faced with medications often accused of not treating the problem only superficially, Yoga has become more than just a stress response, an art form
now that adapts to pregnant women.
What is yoga?
Yoga is an ancient Eastern practice, which aims to harmonize the body and spirit, to reach a state of relaxation and inner well-being. Regular practice of yoga makes you feel relaxed and calm in our daily
and be less sensitive to environmental stress.
How do we practice?
Yoga is based on breathing. The first step is to relearn breathing slowly and deeply, involving the stomach. Then it's postures, breathing still, that will allow to stretch and relax the body gently, and to work the muscles. You can practice yoga early in pregnancy and one session
lasts about 1 hour.
The teen pregnancy
Key facts
About 16 million adolescent girls give birth to children every year - most in countries with low and moderate income.
An estimated 3 million girls aged 15 to 19 undergo unsafe abortions each year.
In countries with low and moderate income, complications of pregnancy and childbirth are a leading cause of death for girls aged 15 to 19 years.
Stillbirths and neonatal deaths are 50% higher among children of teenage mothers than among women aged 20 to 29 years.
The children of teenage mothers are more likely to have low birth weight.
Pregnancy in diabetic women
You are diabetic and you want a child. Is it dangerous for you or the baby? How to avoid complications? Even before conceiving a child, please talk with your doctor. It is important to plan this event with him.
Pregnancy of diabetic women is considered a risk pregnancy. However, it may take place without any problems, provided that glycemic control is as perfect as possible, at the time of conception and during pregnancy. This will require careful monitoring of blood glucose, and regular medical monitoring.
Pregnancy worsens diabetes
During pregnancy, the body of the mother is undergoing profound changes. The placenta secretes a particular hormone, placental lactogen (HPL), which will increase insulin resistance of the organism. And this hormone produced from the fifth week, and much more important during the 9 months.
Penetration painful - Dyspareunia
We speak of dyspareunia when a woman experiences pain during sexual intercourse.
The causes can be numerous, and medical advice is often needed to define the origins of penetration painful.
The different causes
- Pain at first sex
At first intercourse, the rupture of the hymen can cause vaginal pain. This is very common, and in most cases does not recur during the following reports.
- Sexual intercourse without foreplay or precipitated
Sexual excitement generates a natural vaginal lubrication. If the penetration is too fast, it may be that the vagina is not moist enough, which can cause pain.
Painful intercourse, tips and advice.
When should you consult your doctor?
When you feel pain every time you have sex.
When pain prevents your spouse or yourself to enjoy your lovemaking.
When the pain extends throughout your pool and it is intense.
When pain is accompanied by vaginal itching, vaginal discharge or dryness.
When pain is accompanied by a burning sensation during urination.
Reveal that the symptoms
Pain in the lower abdomen
It is quite normal to feel pain in the lower abdomen throughout pregnancy. The first few months, your baby makes its nest and it shows. It was only towards the 18th week you feel your baby move. It is soft as butterfly wings, light as a bubble.
The tightness in the stomach, back and perineum are due to the fact that your ligaments are strained during pregnancy.
Ligaments are bands of tissue that serve as transmission belts to our joints and links between our various organs.
Ligaments are constituted by a beam of white fibrous tissue capable of withstanding the very high traction elasticity due to their remarkable.
Signs that you need to see a doctor
During pregnancy, it's easy to worry less pains in early pregnancy? Discover the symptoms of pregnancy
symptom. Pain in early pregnancy? Discover the symptoms of pregnancy Often, there is concern for nothing. However, in some cases it may be necessary to say that it is nothing or to wait and see how things turn out not to disturb the doctor or look too worried. But this will most often you pass a difficult night, where you will be worried, perhaps for nothing. A simple phone call to your doctor or, if not available, emergency, can usually reassure you if it's nothing serious, or even lead you to consult urgently if necessary.
Without panic for any symptoms that correspond to a disease or a rare problem that you or your partner have discovered you in documenting some signs reflect an objective risk and should push you to consult your doctor (or at least the call) or to go to the emergency.
Pain and pregnancy: when to worry?
Pregnancy is a natural, physiological, but which is very often accompanied by painful phenomena. The pain is not necessarily indicative of an abnormal pregnancy. However, some pain, with or without other symptoms, should lead them to consult a doctor promptly. Panorama of the warning signs.
For each type of pain - uterine contractions, abdominal pain - it is necessary to distinguish what is a normal discomfort during pregnancy and what should be considered a warning sign of more serious problem.
Uterine contractions and pregnancy
Having a few contractions during pregnancy is normal. These are rather located in the pelvis or the lower abdomen, increased walking, do not become regular and do not cause hardening of the uterus. These pains are commonplace due to pelvic pain syndrome or syndrome of the round ligaments. The pregnant woman experiences pain in the groin as the uterus pushes on one side, thereby stretching the ligaments to the other side.
Pregnancy after 40: what are the risks?
Longer studies, career highlighted, contraception controlled ... All these reasons explain later pregnancies. But with age, the risks increase.
What do you late pregnancy?
Before, there was talk of late pregnancy to 35 years but now it's more after 40 years. We consider these as ultra-late pregnancy after age 45.
What are the risks of pregnancy at that age?
The risks are different for the mother if she uses a donor egg or if it is a spontaneous pregnancy.
Obesity and pregnancy: what are the risks?
You are obese? You are afraid they may become pregnant? According to popular belief, obesity and pregnancy would not mix. What are the risks?
A woman does not need to lose weight before becoming pregnant. There is no specific complications. Losing weight is not a necessity before becoming pregnant. In short, no panic: obesity and pregnancy can go together.
Pregnancy of an obese woman requires a serious medical
In fact, the pregnancy of an obese woman is likely to happen as that of a woman of normal weight, but requires more attention and monitoring by the physician. Blood sugar levels should be monitored to detect a possible gestational diabetes. Risk of renal vascular complications (hypertension, eclampsia, abruptio placenta, phlebitis) are not neglected either, and blood pressure monitor.
Late pregnancy, pregnancy after 40 years
It is a fact, an age at first birth declined progressively for years.
Currently, the average age for a first pregnancy is 30 years, he was 24 years in 1970.
The factors that cause women to have children later and later in are numerous, and are connected with deep sociological motivations.
The number of childbirth after age 40 is about 2.5% of pregnancies.
Okay, there are few, but far from negligible, that is why we create this little page to define precisely what precautions to take and what risks are associated with late pregnancy .
What are the precautions?
Getting pregnant in two decades: what are my chances?
The biological point of view it is optimal to get pregnant in this period, however this can be a very difficult time in financial terms. Often they have yet to buy all sorts of things, do not earn That a minimum wage at work, have a loan for their home or car, and must still arrange the nursery. If you do not have many financial resources it is perhaps better to put a little time to get pregnant until they are more money.
The influence of children on the young couple can not be underestimated. Sometimes women feel depressed and overwhelmed by the extra work that the baby brings. The other by the father can feel left out because his wife spends more time on the baby. Pregnancy and birth have certainly also influence the relationship of the couple.
Optimize your chances of getting pregnant quickly
Want to get pregnant quickly, how?
It is decided, you want a child!
Here are some ways to get pregnant quickly, under the best conditions and calmly start your pregnancy.
And after stopping the pill?
Be aware that stopping the pill does not necessarily cause the resumption of ovulation immediately. So do not panic if you do not become pregnant within three months.
Knowing your ovulation day
Indeed, it is then that the chances of getting pregnant are the greatest. It is usually about the 14th day after menstruation begins. You can know the time by measuring your temperature on a cycle. Body heat is stronger in effect just after ovulation. Note the data, it will serve you better understand your cycle and your periods of fertility.
Pregnant on the pill: what are the risks?
Start a pregnancy on the pill is possible, although this is extremely rare. Back on this paradox.
How does a pill?
A pill "classic" combines two hormones, a progestin and an estrogen, which alter hormone levels in women. In this way the pituitary gland (a small gland in the brain) "believes" that the woman is already pregnant and therefore does not stimulate the ovaries to produce an egg.
The pill usually comes in the form of platelets of 21 tablets that are taken daily, spacing two plates by seven days off. "Rules" of frustration pill arrive at the break.
What are my chances of having a baby?
The decision is: do you want a child, it is important therefore, to increase his chances of getting pregnant. A whole bunch of questions you stuck in your head, too, to increase his chances of becoming pregnant, follow our advice.
A whole bunch of questions so you trot in the head: how long will you want to meet this baby? When do you make love? How often? And this is normal! Here are some answers that should reassure you!
What are your chances of getting pregnant immediately?
Most couples who want a baby were statistically between 15 and 20% chance of success from the first month. About 40% are able to make a baby in the first quarter and nearly 85% successful during the first year following the decision.
Seven days after fertilization, or 21 or 22 days after the onset of menstruation, the fertilized egg will penetrate fully into the uterine lining to build its nest. This process is called implantation. When the egg is firmly attached to the uterine wall, the design process is complete and that of pregnancy begins.
Implantation occurs 4-7 days after fertilization
Of brown discharge may appear once or twice a day or more
A large lower abdominal pain as rules
The most obvious symptoms:
The fertile period begins 3-4 days before ovulation (which corresponds to the lifespan of sperm in the genital tract) and continues in the next 24 hours (corresponding to the lifetime of the oocyte). The time when fertilization is possible, therefore, is only 5 days on a cycle that has 28.
Conversely, the infertile period begins on the 2nd day after ovulation and extends to the following rules. By cons, ovulation does not necessarily come 14 days after the onset of menstruation, because menstrual cycles are not always regular and constant.
At each sexual intercourse, at the time of ejaculation of semen of the man, about 300 million sperm are released into the woman's vagina. Using their flagella, sperm move at a speed of a half-millimeter per minute.
The probability of getting pregnant
What is the probability of getting pregnant?
The life of the oocyte is of the order of 24 h. Thus, fertilization can take place within 24 h after ovulation. Sperm can survive a little longer in the female genital tract (approximately 48 h). Therefore, at each cycle, the fertile period lasts a maximum of 3 days: during these three days, a report may lead to fertilization. However, any fertilization does not necessarily produce a pregnancy. At a young couple, it is estimated that the probability of getting pregnant each cycle is about 20 to 25%. Therefore, do not worry before 6 months of unsuccessful attempts to make a child. If a member of the couple is infertile, or if we advance in age, the likelihood of becoming pregnant decreases and a longer duration of trials will be necessary.
How can we help the temperature method?
The post-abortion syndrome
This phenomenon is reflected, often many years later, in women having abortions, by depression and an impaired defenses, has been demonstrated from the findings of pediatricians or child psychiatrists, including Dr. Mary Peeters (pediatrician, attached consultation at the Necker Hospital). She said that even before the specific manifestations of this syndrome, clinicians can detect a woman suffering from abortion to different signs: she has "something in the eyes of the expression of a child crying for help "this is a woman who does not listen and with whom dialogue is difficult because it is not at peace.
Dr. Mango, New York psychiatrist and expert on post-abortion syndrome, said: "I never met a woman without psychological disorders after abortion, although it has not established a link between the loss of her child and its disorders ". The syndrome can occur more or less time after the abortion, sometimes the next day, but five years or more than 10 years after abortion.
The physical consequences
The physical consequences of abortion are numerous and poorly understood due to a "blackout" total on the subject. Yet there is evidence that abortion increases the risk of infertility by about 10% in women. Cases of deaths due to legal or illegal abortions are low, but a woman has, however, two times more likely to die from legal abortion as a normal delivery, and this at any stage of development the child.
1-In more than 5% of cases, induced abortion complications, the most frequent retention (the body of the embryo is not completely removed from the uterus) and local or generalized infections.
Getting pregnant in their forties: the disadvantages
The only drawback there is to recover from pregnancy is reduced fertility. The longer you wait the harder it will get pregnant. It is a biological fact that the number of eggs decreases and the eggs have more chromosomal deviations and thus there is greater risk of miscarriage or premature birth. In the period between 40 and 50 there is still a big difference between 41 years and 49 years. The possibility of pregnancy at age 41 is for example much higher than 43 years. A 40 year old woman, for example, still 25% chance to get pregnant with her own eggs, while a 43 year old woman has more than 10% chance. 24% of women who fell pregnant at age 40 had a miscarriage, while the risk of miscarriage among women aged 43 years was 54%.
A renowned gynecologist said he had never met in his practice over the 30 years he practiced a woman after age 46 was still fallen pregnant without artificial insemination. However, this does not mean you can not get pregnant after 46 years. Only it will not be possible with your own egg cells.
Chances of getting pregnant your period
According to studies on the human reproductive system, the chance of pregnancy for all women of childbearing age are never zero at any day of the menstrual cycle. The probability of conception is greater, when a few days in particular, but it is never zero throughout the cycle. Therefore, there is every chance of your pregnancy at your age. Go through the following account to get a response to what are the chances of getting pregnant on your period and on the pill.
The menstrual cycle, or period
The menstrual cycle is typically 28 days. However, its length varies from woman to woman. It can be as short as 21 days and as long as 35 days. According to studies, only 30% of women have a menstrual cycle that takes place in 28 days. For longer periods of any number of days, is expected ovulation in the medium. For example, if the period of 28 days to complete, it is the 14th day is most likely to witness ovulation. Ovulation is the term used to describe the excretion of the ovum or egg from the ovary. He is discharged from the rupture of the ovarian follicle. The egg leaves the ovary, travels to the fallopian tube and wait here for about 24-36 hours to get fertilized by a sperm. Fertilization is the process of fusion of an egg with a sperm. In cases where fertilization takes place, pregnancy begins. Otherwise, the egg disintegrates and flows out of the body with the uterine lining and blood vessels. It causes bleeding for about 3-5 days. This is called menstruation. The menstrual cycle continues until fertilization takes place instead of initiating a pregnancy. Learn more about when does ovulation occur.
Chances of getting pregnant your period
The woman's menstrual cycle and pregnancy risk
In women, the menstrual cycle is punctuated by several distinct periods. That of ovulation situated mid-cycle is the best time to procreate.
The ovulation period is mid-cycle (the 13th or 14th day). It comes after a period of preparation of the ovary that begins the first day of menstruation.
The day of ovulation is when the ovary expels an egg into the fallopian tube. There he will unite with a sperm to give birth nine months later a child. Knowing that the egg has a lifespan of 12 to 24 hours, couples wishing to conceive should monitor the menstrual cycle for a sexual encounter occurs within the same time or even shortly before since Sperm survive in the cervix for 3 to 5 days. The period of female fertility is therefore between 4 days before ovulation and 24 hours after. For a normal cycle of 28 days, starting on the first day of menstruation, ovulation occurs on day 14. For shorter cycles, ovulation can take place after the 10th day.
Know the date of ovulation
- Signs to identify
Ovulation may sometimes be accompanied by certain symptoms:
- Tightness in the lower abdomen;
- Secretions clearer and more fluid released from the uterus;
- Increase the temperature a few tenths of a degree (0.3 ° C).
- Take its temperature
To try to find out when the woman ovulates, several methods are the most used is that of temperature.
What is the right time to get pregnant?
From puberty to menopause, the female body is punctuated by menstrual cycles, lasting an average of 28 days, beginning on the first day of menstruation. During a cycle, the woman is only 25% chance of getting pregnant.
When are you fertile?
The menstrual cycle consists of four phases: the follicular phase (about 14 days with 5 days of menstruation), ovulation (24 hours on average) and the luteal phase (about 14 days).
Today, an ectopic pregnancy rarely puts in question fertility. Moreover, according to obstetricians-gynecologists, 60% of women who have an ectopic pregnancy are pregnant again within two years after.
So how do we preserve fertility after an ectopic pregnancy?
We speak of ectopic pregnancy when the fertilized egg implants outside the uterus, usually in the fallopian tube. The embryo can not develop outside the uterus and it can damage the tissues in which it operates, which can cause pain in the lower abdomen and bleeding (blood loss Dark) could bring significant life of the pregnant woman at risk.
In surgical environments circulates a joke that says "every woman of childbearing age with abdominal pain or bleeding is suspected of ectopic pregnancy (EP) until proven otherwise." This may seem excessive, but it is quickly diagnose a serious condition that can be fatal. The ectopic pregnancy is indeed the primary cause of death in pregnant women.
The ectopic pregnancy, a pregnancy "misplaced"
While most pregnancies develop normally in the bottom of the uterus, sometimes the fertilized egg goes down badly in a trunk in poor condition and it stuck. The fertilized egg has remained at the wrong, that's where the pregnancy develops. When it reaches a certain volume, the tube is not elastic, it ruptures.
The most common cause of tubal "damaged" favoring ectopic pregnancy is tubal infection (salpingitis). And the bacteria most commonly implicated is Chlamydia. It is transmitted through unprotected sex.
Ectopic pregnancy
We speak of ectopic pregnancy when the fertilized egg implants itself outside the uterus. Ectopic pregnancies usually occur in a fallopian tube (hence referred to as tubal pregnancies). The egg may lodge itself in the ovary and, rarely, in the cervical canal or the abdominal or pelvic cavities. In general, the fertilized egg does not reach the form of an embryo and it can not be transplanted into the uterus.
In the case of a normal pregnancy, the egg is fertilized in the fallopian tube. Small hairs in the walls of the tube, propelling the egg into the uterus, where it can take hold. If the fallopian tube scar tissue or if for some other reason, it is blocked, the fetus will grow outside the uterus. An ectopic pregnancy must be terminated because the fetus can develop normally outside the uterus and this represents a danger to the health of women.
Although they're becoming more common in recent years, ectopic pregnancies are generally rare. Approximately 2% of pregnant women have an ectopic pregnancy.
Menstruation during pregnancy: Myth or truth?
Menstruation during pregnancy? Is this a false idea or truth? I often hear women ask about this possibility. In fact, some said they had "heard" a case reported by another woman, perhaps a friend or relative.
Myth or truth?
In principle, menstruation during pregnancy is simply irrelevant. It is actually an oxymoron effect. It is prudent however to really "never say never, but some claims are needed to guide our daily lives and to avoid confusion.
The raising of the issue of menstruation during pregnancy is not really because it's a complex issue to understand. This is simply because the word-of-mouth women talk, it has gained some popularity among women and appears almost as if it is true. In fact what motivates it is word of mouth that ... "a relative or friend here there reported having her period during pregnancy".
Increase the chances of getting pregnant
Many couples begin family planning once they are settled in life. Getting pregnant is not an easy task and you may need to try for a time to conceive a child. Need to improve your lifestyle, eat healthy and exercise to increase the likelihood of getting pregnant. A fertile couple has only about 25 percent chance of getting pregnant after each monthly cycle. This is the percentage chance of getting pregnant, even if you have sex at the right time of ovulation.
Many couples need to try about a year to successfully conceive. If you want to increase the chances of getting pregnant naturally, the following tips will prove useful. You can read more about the easy ways to get pregnant.
How to increase the chances of getting pregnant
Many women have the same question on their minds, "how to increase the chances of getting pregnant naturally?". You can increase the probability of getting pregnant by following these tips to get pregnant.
Many couples need to try about a year to successfully conceive. If you want to increase the chances of getting pregnant naturally, the following tips will prove useful. You can read more about the easy ways to get pregnant.
How to increase the chances of getting pregnant
Many women have the same question on their minds, "how to increase the chances of getting pregnant naturally?". You can increase the probability of getting pregnant by following these tips to get pregnant.
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