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What reduces the likelihood of conception?

It happens that a woman fails to become pregnant within several menstrual cycles. Why doesn't fertilization occur? The likelihood of conception is reduced by unstable periods caused by physiological characteristics or pathological changes.

In some diseases, anovulation occurs - the absence of the ovulatory phase. Due to the disorder, a woman does not become pregnant or even becomes infertile.

Congenital anomalies of the structure of the uterus (bicornuate, saddle-shaped) and obstruction of the fallopian tubes prevent fertilization. Chronic diseases of the pelvic organs lead to the formation of adhesions, and the egg does not enter the uterine cavity.

Hormonal imbalances significantly reduce the chance of conceiving a child, even with constant unprotected sex after ovulation. The causes of endocrine disorder are gynecological diseases (polycystic disease, chronic ovarian diseases), mental stress and fatigue, and taking hormonal medications.

The development of endometriosis is a serious threat to pregnancy. Fragments of glandular tissue grow not only in the uterine cavity, but also outside it. The changes that appear in the ovaries and fallopian tubes disrupt the ovulation process and threaten the woman with infertility.

The male factor should not be ruled out: the ejaculate should contain 100-400 million motile sperm that have the ability to fertilize an egg.

With low quality male gametes, the ability to conceive a child is significantly reduced. The future father needs to lead a healthy lifestyle, eliminating bad habits and eating healthy food.