If the bleeding is accompanied by intense sharp or constant nagging pain in the lower abdomen, this is an alarm bell! Often this condition is a sign of an ectopic pregnancy and requires immediate medical attention. Dangerous symptoms may not appear immediately and begin to bother the woman as early as the second month - up to the 8th week.
Under no circumstances should you try to endure the pain or wait out the discharge. Ectopic implantation is deadly for the mother. In most cases, it requires immediate hospitalization and surgical removal of the fetus.
You can suspect an ectopic pregnancy based on the following symptoms:
• pain in the lower abdomen, usually on one side;
• vaginal bleeding or watery brownish discharge;
• shoulder pain;
• discomfort when urinating or defecating.
If your period comes on time or is slightly late and is accompanied by at least one of these symptoms, be sure to contact your doctor to find out what's going on.