With all types of hormonal studies, the results of the analysis are influenced by stress, increased temperature due to infection, changes in diet, compliance with the rules of preparation - for example, whether blood was donated on an empty stomach or not. Therefore, for reliable results, it is important to take into account the recommendations:
• Last meal – 8-10 hours before.
• Schedule a visit to the laboratory in the morning.
• The day before diagnosis there should be no physical or emotional overload, or consumption of alcoholic beverages.
• Do not undergo examination during exacerbation of diseases or viral infections with fever.
• If a woman is prescribed medications to stimulate ovulation or infertility therapy, then she should consult a doctor to determine whether they can be administered before the test or whether they need to be discontinued.
• All physical procedures, massage, ultrasound and x-rays can only be performed after donating blood.
• Immediately before diagnosis, it is important to be at rest for at least 20 minutes; smoking is prohibited an hour before.
If an examination is scheduled after an abortion, at least 24 hours must pass. If hCG was introduced to treat infertility, then the minimum period for its determination in the blood is 3-5 days. Gynecologists usually refer for analysis no earlier than 7 days after the end of therapy.