Normally, the placenta detaches from the wall of the uterus and leaves the woman’s body after the baby is born. Sometimes premature placental abruption is possible at the beginning of labor or even during pregnancy. Usually this process is accompanied by bleeding - from minor to heavy.
Premature placental abruption is very dangerous for the fetus, because it is with its help that the baby eats and breathes. Therefore, during routine examinations of pregnant women, doctors pay close attention to risk factors that can lead to this syndrome. If suspicious signs are detected, the doctor prescribes therapy or hospitalization.
In addition to the above reasons, bleeding during pregnancy can be associated with a number of diseases. In particular, they are caused by cervical polyps, myomatous nodes located in the placenta, cervical cancer and other causes.
It is impossible to determine what exactly happened based only on external signs. In most cases, even an experienced specialist will not be able to identify the cause without additional laboratory and instrumental studies. Remember this, as a rule, without exceptions: any “period” during pregnancy is a reason to immediately contact your doctor!