Folic acid is a familiar and familiar vitamin B9 to all of us, which is found in many foods:
• green vegetables,
• nuts,
• barley grits,
• coarse cereals,
• fish,
• dairy products,
• pork,
• beef,
• eggs.
Folic acid is so important when planning pregnancy, since expectant mothers are especially susceptible to hypovitaminosis. Taking this vitamin prevents such serious complications as frozen pregnancy, miscarriage, placental abruption, congenital defects in the fetus, etc.
When planning pregnancy and in the first trimester, folic acid is prescribed in small doses - 3-4 mg per day. Moreover, the doctor may advise both spouses to take the vitamin.
Folic acid is also taken in the second half of pregnancy, especially with gestosis and the threat of miscarriage. There is no need to be afraid of it, since it is a vitamin that does not accumulate in the body. Folic acid is very necessary for the unborn baby, especially in the first 28 days of pregnancy, when the risk of developing neural tube defects is highest, which is why planning women are recommended to take it even before pregnancy.