Determining the baby's date of birth can be done in alternative ways. There are several of them:
• Determination of the period can be entrusted to a qualified specialist - a gynecologist. In this case, he will not prescribe additional studies, but will conduct a routine examination. The size of the uterus is measured, which increases due to the baby in the womb. Please note that it is possible to calculate the period in this way only in the 1st trimester of pregnancy. In later stages, the uterus may increase in size differently in different patients, so examination may not provide an accurate understanding.
• Determining the date of birth based on ovulation. Ovulation is the most favorable time period for a woman, during which the probability of conception is highest. During this period, libido (sexual attraction to a partner) increases, and discharge from the cervix becomes thicker. Determining the date of ovulation consists of adding 280 days to this period (i.e. 9 months of pregnancy). If the time of ovulation is unknown, then you need to add the same 280 days to the middle of the last menstrual cycle.
• You can determine the term by the date of conception. But it must be borne in mind that conception may not occur at the moment of actual sexual contact with a partner. As a rule, this can happen on the third day after sex.
• One of the most effective methods with high accuracy is ultrasound. An ultrasound examination can reveal the due date, with an error of only a few days. The highest percentage of accuracy is if the examination is done during the period from 11 to 14 weeks of pregnancy. You should not rely heavily on this method in the early stages (5-6 weeks), when the fetus is still very small.
• A slightly archaic method involves the appearance of the first fetal movements. It was relevant earlier, when there were no hardware methods for determining the deadline. For women who are about to give birth for the first time, this occurs around the twentieth week, and for women who are not having their first pregnancy, this occurs at the 18th week. But even this method will be more accurate than any online calculator that can be found on the Internet.
Accordingly, when a woman feels the first significant tremors, twenty weeks should be counted from this date. If this is not the first time she gives birth, then you need to add 22 weeks. The same must be done in case of multiple pregnancy.
Many people feel the baby’s movements much earlier, but this is impossible from a purely physical point of view. If you experience similar sensations before 16 weeks, it may be due to intestinal colic or spasms.