In healthy women who are not pregnant, the hCG level is 0-5 mU/ml.
During pregnancy, the norms of human chorionic gonadotropin depend on the period.
1. In the second week - 25-300 mU/ml.
2. In the third week - 1500-3000 mU/ml.
3. In the fourth week - 10,000-30,000 mU/ml.
4. In the fifth week - up to 100,000 mU/ml.
5. In the sixth to eleventh week - up to 225,000 mU/ml.
6. At the sixteenth week - 10,000-58,000 mU/ml.
7. By the twentieth week - 1600-49000 mU/ml.
Indicators for pregnancy resulting from IVF do not differ from hCG values during normal pregnancy.
If a pregnant woman has elevated hCG levels, this indicates:
• multiple pregnancy;
• post-term pregnancy;
• chromosomal abnormalities of the fetus (Down, Patau, Edwards syndromes);
• early toxicosis, gestosis;
• diabetes.
A significant decrease in the levels of this hormone may be associated with delayed fetal development, ectopic or frozen pregnancy, threatened miscarriage, placental insufficiency, and late intrauterine fetal death.
HCG test results are provided with an accuracy of one milliunit.
If hCG levels deviate from the norm, additional studies are carried out to determine the exact cause of this phenomenon. This is an ultrasound of the pelvic organs and a biochemical blood test.