Here comes the long-awaited pregnancy, a loving couple is expecting a child, and a natural delicate question immediately arises - is it possible to continue to have sex and will this not harm the normal course of pregnancy and the condition of the fetus? There is often an opinion that sex can harm the child or cause premature termination of pregnancy, but this, according to experts, is nothing more than a misconception.
The answer is clear - yes, you can and should have sex if the pregnancy is progressing normally and there is no threat of its termination.
Sex is a naturally important part of our lives, which affects a woman’s overall health, both physical and psychological. During sex, a feeling of pleasure arises due to an increase in endorphin in the body - the hormone of happiness, and during orgasm the hormone oxytocin is released, which leads to rhythmic muscle contraction and a feeling of pleasure. This is a normal physiological process, both outside and during pregnancy, which gives a woman a great mood, relieves stress, and makes it possible to obtain the beneficial substances found in a man’s sperm - hormones, prostaglandins, enzymes that have a positive effect on a woman’s metabolism generally.
It is believed that due to the release of oxytocin and small contractions, the uterus is better prepared for the process of future childbirth, as if “training”, and normally this does not lead to excessive uterine tone and premature pathological contractions.
Sex in late pregnancy helps the birth canal prepare for childbirth, it becomes more elastic, and sperm, due to its composition, has a positive effect on softening the cervix before childbirth.
In addition, when having sex during pregnancy, you do not need to use protection, which allows the couple to relax more and enjoy each other. Agree, this is an important psychological component.
Obstetrician-gynecologists believe that during a normal pregnancy, the patient should not be given recommendations to abstain from sexual activity, since sexual intercourse during a normal pregnancy does not increase the risk of complications. Sex and orgasm do not increase the risk of premature birth or spontaneous miscarriage, regardless of gestational age.
It is important to know and remember that sexual intercourse, as a natural part of our lives, is not prohibited during pregnancy only if the woman is in normal health. Of course, there are some restrictions, and in case of pain, discomfort, bleeding, as well as itching, burning in the vagina and leucorrhoea, you must stop sexual intercourse and consult a doctor, since these are manifestations of serious complications of pregnancy that require treatment.