Fertilization after the middle of the cycle is possible if there are accompanying favorable factors. At the planning stage, a woman should give up bad habits - smoking, drinking alcohol, coffee. You need to add balanced foods rich in microelements and vitamins to your diet.
How to cause the release of eggs from the ovary if it does not occur in a girl for several cycles? Doctors perform ovulation induction. Hormonal therapy is prescribed to stimulate oocyte maturation.
The tablets regulate the change of follicle-stimulating and luteal phases. In response to the action of the drugs, the dominant follicle increases in size to 17-20 mm. After this, it ruptures with the release of the egg, but does not develop into a cyst and does not undergo involution.
What to do to increase the likelihood of conception:
1. Correctly calculate the middle of the cycle in any convenient way - an ovulation test, an online calculator or calendar, measuring basal temperature, ultrasound.
2. Have sex regularly and not use contraception. Do not refuse sexual intercourse before ovulation, but make love for pleasure, without focusing on pregnancy.
3. Live a healthy lifestyle: include walks in the fresh air, 8 hours of sleep and physical activity.
4. Strengthen the immune system with vitamins and hardening procedures.
5. Conduct a full medical examination: if diseases are detected, undergo a course of treatment.
6. Eliminate stress on your body.
The first signs of early gestation are a delay in menstruation, a feeling of breast engorgement and an increase in basal temperature.
Expectant mothers complain that they have a tightness in the lower abdomen and a lot of vaginal mucus is formed, reminiscent of the symptoms of thrush. Symptoms appear a week after fertilization and are confirmed by a positive pregnancy test and ultrasound, which will show the presence of an embryo.
In theory, a married couple can plan the sex of their unborn child. Using the basal temperature chart, you need to calculate the period for conceiving a boy or girl. By measuring BBT in the rectum, vagina or mouth, they should catch favorable days.
Let's say you want a boy. When BT reaches 36.5-36.8 to 37.4 degrees, it is the right time for conception.
If a woman is not planning to become pregnant, she should know some important facts. Coitus interruptus is the most popular, but not safe, method of contraception. More than 30% of cases of such contraception result in unplanned pregnancy.