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On what days is the probability of fertilization very high?

When a girl notices a creamy, whitish discharge from her genital tract, it means that ovulation has already occurred and the egg is moving towards the fallopian tubes. This is the ideal time for fertilization.

To find out the date of the favorable period for conception, you need to find out the duration of your monthly cycle. It is used to calculate ovulation.

If a woman has irregular periods, a special calculation is carried out. Below is a sample for determining ovulation.

First you need to select the shortest and longest menstrual cycle over the past 6-12 months. 18 is subtracted from the shortest one. The result obtained means the day when the time of high possibility of conception begins.

Let's assume the menstrual cycle is 23 days. Subtract 18 from it and get 5. This means that the ideal period for fertilization begins on the sixth day.

Subtract 11 from the longest cycle. The resulting value means the number when the time of high probability of conception ends. For example, 28 – 11 = 17. The favorable period for getting pregnant ends on the 17th day.