From the school anatomy course we know that the most favorable period for conception - ovulation - occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. But not everyone knows that a female cell can “get to know” a sperm closely in a short period of time - after leaving the follicle, the female cell, ready for fertilization, penetrates the fallopian tube and waits for the “meeting” for no more than a day. To prevent the egg from entering the abdominal cavity, the hairs sliding along the fallopian tubes “monitor” signals sent by the endocrine system and, if 24 hours have elapsed, prevent the penetration of male cells, in order to avoid an ectopic pregnancy.
An active sperm can “wait” for an egg for several days if it does not find it in the fallopian tube. Particularly mobile carriers of the male genotype penetrate the abdominal cavity and move chaotically around the organs.