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Urine collection for glucosuric analysis.

Collection of samples for testing is carried out as follows:

• at 7.00 a woman empties her bladder into the toilet;

• all subsequent portions of urine from 7.00 to 15.00 are collected in the first container;

• from 15.00 to 13.00 - to the second container;

• from 23.00 to 7.00 - on the third day.

The collected biological material should be stored at a temperature of +4 to +8°C.

For glucosuric analysis, urine collected per day in each container is thoroughly mixed and three samples are taken in the amount of 50-80 ml.

The rate of glucose in daily urine is from 105 to 120 ml / min. An increase in concentration indicates the presence of such diseases in a pregnant woman as:

• disorders of the cardiac and vascular systems;

• diabetes;

• Itsenko-Cushing's disease;

• adrenal insufficiency.

A certain amount of total protein in urine can be found in each person. During pregnancy, the normal value of this indicator is considered to be a concentration of up to 0.03 g / l. An increase in this figure is denoted by the term "proteinuria".

However, this phenomenon is not only a sign of a pathological process (cystitis, urethritis, nephritis), but may also have physiological causes:

• the predominance of a large amount of protein foods in the diet of a pregnant woman - dairy and meat products;

• severe stress;

• moral exhaustion due to worries about the upcoming birth.

The conditions for collecting biological fluid are simple and differ little from all of the above rules. It is important for a pregnant woman to control urination, on the eve of collecting urine, exclude salty and sour foods from the diet, and limit meat consumption.

The main indication for determining the level of total protein in daily urine is the diagnosis of such a dangerous disease for the expectant mother as preeclampsia, which occurs with edema

Before each emptying of the bladder, it is necessary to wash the external genitalia, all portions of urine are accumulated in a large container prepared in advance. On the morning of the next day, the last portion is collected, the total volume is measured, then the urine is poured into a special small container in the amount of 100–150 ml and delivered for analysis.

Of course, conducting regular examinations is not a very pleasant companion of pregnancy, but the positive aspects of the waiting period for the birth of a baby will smooth out these feelings - you need to remember that many changes in health status can be easily diagnosed by the state of urine. In conclusion of all of the above, I would like to note that it is very important to donate urine for research to proven modern laboratory centers.