As already mentioned, an ectopic pregnancy is confirmed by clear results in home diagnostics, if the test is highly sensitive, or the period is already long enough. At the same time, the woman's state of health gradually begins to worsen, abdominal pain is increasingly disturbing, vaginal bleeding is noted.
According to statistics, tubal pregnancy often ends in miscarriage than cervical or intra-abdominal. Naturally, women are very afraid of this diagnosis, especially if they have problems with the health of the organs of the reproductive system. If home testing, combined with unpleasant symptoms, is in doubt, then it is best to donate blood for hCG. This can be done both for a fee in a private clinic, and with a referral from a doctor in a district clinic.
In a normal pregnancy, hCG levels double every two days. But if the fetal egg is fixed in an unnatural place, then the growth of this hormone will be unstable. However, it is impossible to predict at what rate its concentration will change, since everything depends on the individuality of each specific case.
The hCG examination consists of several stages. This is the only way to find out for sure whether the embryo is in the uterus or is it outside of it. The diagnosis is confirmed by ultrasound (after 6 weeks). At the first blood test, the level of human chorionic gonadotropin usually turns out to be low.
The next study is carried out in a few days. And when evaluating the results, factors such as:
• the total level of gonadotropin in the blood (with an ectopic pregnancy, it is below normal);
• how much it has increased compared to previous indications (if the embryo is not in the uterus, then the increase in chorionic gonadotropin occurs very slowly, unlike in cases with normal pregnancy).
The concentration of hCG during an ectopic pregnancy is much lower than normal. Therefore, pregnancy tests show a barely noticeable second strip. The reagent on the test reacts specifically to hCG, if it is small, then the reaction will be weak.