The symptoms of prolonged pregnancy include thickening of the uterus due to oligohydramnios, a decrease in the size of the abdomen, a decrease in the weight of the pregnant woman relative to the last measurements, and discharge from the mammary glands. At the same time, the cervix does not indicate the biological readiness of the birth canal for delivery. There are also signs of deterioration in the condition of the fetus:
• according to ultrasound - oligohydramnios, structural changes in the placenta, its premature maturation, impaired blood flow in the arteries of the umbilical cord or uterine arteries;
• according to the cardiotocographic study (CTG) - a decrease in the compensatory capabilities of the fetus, signs of its hypoxia (lack of oxygen).
At birth, a post-term baby has a characteristic appearance. His skin and mucous membranes, as well as the umbilical cord and placenta, are colored green or yellow. If the amount of protective cheese-like lubricant is reduced, then the skin and mucous membranes of the fetus become dry. In the absence of lubrication, they shrivel due to contact with amniotic fluid. The skin of the feet and palms of the newborn looks steamed, as after a bath. Long nails are visible on the hands and feet.
When overwearing, the child, as a rule, is large, its height and head are enlarged. But another option is also possible, when a baby of small weight is born with a reduced amount of subcutaneous fat (due to fetal growth retardation), but with the above signs of overmaturity. The density of the bones of the skull of the newborn is increased, the fontanelles are small, and the sutures are narrow, which makes it difficult for the fetal head to adapt to the mother's birth canal - as a result, this causes maternal injuries during childbirth.