The main indicators in the analysis, which gynecologists pay close attention to, are acetone, salts, protein, glucose, leukocytes and bacteria.
• Ketone bodies (acetone) indicate a change in the acidity of urine, which accompanies toxicosis in the first half of pregnancy. With timely detection and therapy, expectant mothers begin to feel better: vomiting disappears, appetite appears.
• Salts / sediment in the analysis may appear in the presence of urolithiasis, impaired metabolism.
• Protein in the urine is the most worrying sign throughout pregnancy. Its traces (up to 0.09 g / l) are quite acceptable in the later stages due to the peculiarities of the kidneys. However, any increase above these figures, especially accompanied by swelling and high blood pressure, indicates the development of preeclampsia. If treatment is not started on time, it can lead to the development of convulsions in a pregnant woman, a delay in the development and growth of the fetus, and in severe cases, even to the death of a woman and / or baby.
• The appearance of glucose in the urine is considered one of the signs of the development of diabetes in pregnant women. Therefore, a woman must definitely take a blood test - strictly on an empty stomach, as well as undergo a glucose tolerance test and consult an endocrinologist.
• Leukocytes in the general study of urine can be detected in inflammatory diseases of the kidneys or urinary tract - pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis.
• Identification of bacteria in the urinary sediment indicates an infection, but sometimes it happens when the donation rules are violated. To clarify the number and type of microorganisms, an additional bacterial culture is carried out.
Changes in urine tests may appear even if the expectant mother does not have any complaints. For example, with the so-called asymptomatic bacteriuria, a large number of bacteria are detected, and the woman feels well. This condition requires the appointment of antibiotics to prevent the development of an inflammatory process, infection in the fetus, or premature birth.