With a timely and adequate assessment of the condition of the fetus, as well as the correct choice of delivery tactics, the prognosis is favorable. According to the observations of doctors, the indicators of the physical, neurological and mental development of post-term children do not differ from the state of children born with uncomplicated timely delivery. A less favorable prognosis is possible with severe fetal hypoxia, birth trauma, and meconium aspiration.
Prevention of recurrent pregnancy includes:
• selection of pregnant women who are at risk of possible overbearing;
• determination of the exact gestational age of pregnancy for all indicators - the date of the last menstruation, the date of ovulation, the first ultrasound in the first trimester and ultrasonic fetometry in the later stages;
• prevention of dysfunction of the placenta, hypoxia and the birth of a large fetus;
• timely hospitalization of a pregnant woman to prepare for childbirth and assess the condition of the fetus.