Up to a period of five to six weeks, an ectopic pregnancy often proceeds in the same way as a normal one, without making itself felt with unusual signs. To avoid pipe rupture and serious complications, it is important to diagnose this pathology as early as possible. First of all, the doctor evaluates the clinical data - complaints, anamnesis of the woman. The following research will also help.
• Pregnancy test. Basically shows a positive result, the second strip may not be very bright. Rarely the test is negative.
• Blood for hCG. This is the most reliable way to determine pregnancy and its development trend (by increasing hCG levels). With an ectopic, the readings are usually below normal for a given period. Less often - correspond.
• Ultrasound. It will help to establish that the fetal egg is absent in the uterus. With an ectopic location, you can often find it in the tubes, near the ovary. Also, ultrasound diagnostics helps to determine the free fluid in the retrouterine space in case of a disturbed ectopic pregnancy, if intra-abdominal bleeding begins.
• Puncture. Used for suspected intra-abdominal bleeding. Using a thin needle, the posterior wall of the vagina is punctured, which gives access to the abdominal cavity. The presence of blood in the material is an indication for urgent surgery.
• Laparoscopy. The most informative method of research, however, this is a full-fledged operation and therefore is carried out in difficult cases and with confidence in the diagnosis. Through a puncture of the skin and underlying layers of the abdomen, a special camera is inserted to examine the abdominal cavity. On the monitor, you can see the appendages, the uterus and signs of an ectopic.