During pregnancy, serious changes occur in the female body, the work of internal organs occurs at an accelerated pace. The active functional activity of the kidneys in some cases leads to the excretion of glucose in the urine. This phenomenon is designated by the medical term "glucosuria" and can be caused by various reasons.
In healthy pregnant women, urinary sugar excretion is not pronounced, it cannot be determined using conventional laboratory methods. In some cases, a symptom of renal glucosuria is observed as part of tubulopathies (kidney diseases with damage to the tubular system and impaired function).
Glucosuria appears more often in the II trimester, which is caused by an increase in blood circulation in the kidneys, a change in hormonal levels, a decrease in the reabsorption capacity of the kidney tubules
With a normal level of glucose in the blood, glucosuria does not pose any threat to the expectant mother and her baby. However, the state of health of such women must be treated with increased attention.
The causes of pathological glucosuria are impaired renal function due to concomitant chronic diseases. Risk factors for a woman's susceptibility to glucose excretion in urine are considered to be the presence of:
• genetic predisposition to diabetes;
• acute pancreatitis;
• poisoning of various origins;
• extrarenal glucosuria;
• disorders of absorption of carbohydrates;
• fetal weight over 4.5 kg;
• pregnancy after 35 years;
• anomalies in the development of the fetus.
To diagnose glucosuria and clinically distinguish between diabetes mellitus and physiological conditions, a specialized glucosuric study is used to assess an increase or decrease in sugar excretion in daily urine. To perform this analysis, it is necessary to examine the concentration of glucose in 3 portions of the biological fluid.
On the eve of collecting biomaterial, a pregnant woman needs to limit the intake of sweets and foods containing a large amount of carbohydrates and prepare three large clean containers.