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The opinion of gynecologists - who can have sex during pregnancy?

All women who do not have health restrictions and feel well can have sex. It’s not just possible, but also useful! Sexual psychologists say that intimacy in a position has a beneficial effect on the relationship of partners.

Advice: only the attending physician can determine whether or not you can make love right now after a personal examination.

For example, one of the most common complaints is: “I don’t feel beautiful and attractive.” Hormonal surges, mood swings and a rapidly changing body upset the expectant mother, and she begins to feel ugly, unwanted and unloved.

Most men also suffer in this situation, although their experiences are of a different nature. They worry not only about the tremulous state of their partner, but also about the child. As a result, partners move away from each other, stress and tension increase. In this situation, psychologists recommend, after consultation with a doctor, to establish sexual contacts - at least in the form of light eroticism, if more is prohibited.

Gynecologists agree: sex during pregnancy can bring not only pleasure, but also benefits. Some studies have shown that in addition to stabilizing the emotional background, a woman receives improved blood supply to the pelvic organs.

In addition, male sperm contains a large amount of prostaglandins, which “help” the cervix prepare for childbirth. This is why at 40-41 weeks doctors often recommend “husband therapy”.