The daily rate refers to the total volume of urine excreted by a person. On average, it is about 2000 ml. This figure is approximate, since each person is individual. In pregnant women, the number of urination increases significantly due to the growing uterus, which presses on the bladder.
The study of biomaterial collected per day helps to assess the excretory function of the kidneys. In a word, whether the kidneys remove the required amount of fluid, or whether it is retained in the body of a pregnant woman, which leads to edema and complications in the form of preeclampsia.
It is very important that 3/4 of the entire fluid that enters the body per day is excreted from the body in 24 hours. That's the norm. Any deviation towards a decrease or increase in urination, in conjunction with the changed characteristics of urine, is regarded by the doctor as a sign of a possible pathology.
It is important that an increase in diuresis in the third trimester of pregnancy is not a pathology and is associated with physiological changes in the body of a pregnant woman.
Daily urine, examined in the laboratory, will indicate the exact amount of substances excreted by the kidneys during the day. Clinical examination of urine is not able to reveal such details.