Daily urine during pregnancy is collected according to strict rules. Ignoring them can lead to false results, misdiagnosis and inappropriate treatment.
1. Complete elimination of spicy, smoked food a day before passing urine. Coloring food products, alcohol are not allowed. Temporarily stop taking diuretics and any vitamins.
2. Carry out thorough hygiene of the genitals. This is done before every trip to the toilet.
3. It is advisable to close the vaginal entrance with a swab or cotton pad during urination. This will prevent secretions from the genitals from entering the urine.
4. You need to collect ALL portions. Otherwise, the study is inappropriate.
In the prepared large container, we begin to collect urine:
• The first, earliest urine is skipped. The time is fixed.
• Next, all the urine that comes out during the day is collected, without exception.
• The last portion of urine is collected after 24 hours at exactly the same time that the first one was collected. For example, the first missed portion is marked at 5.30, which means that the last urine should be collected the next day at exactly 5.30.
• Storage of the daily collection takes place on the lowest darkened shelf of the refrigerator. You can't freeze.
• It is best to hand over the collected material to the laboratory immediately after the last urination.
• You can donate the entire container, or pour it into a special glass of 150 ml. Shake well before this.
Of course, during pregnancy, it is more difficult than ever to pass such an analysis, as the number of urination increases. But you need to be patient and pass the entire daily norm, without missing a single urine output. This is the only way to get reliable and high-quality results.
During the study of daily urine, an analysis of the microscopic sediment and the general characteristics of urine is carried out.
• Analysis of urine during pregnancy.
All indicators are very important in diagnosing a particular problem in a pregnant woman. This will help in time to orient and choose the right treatment.
The expectant mother needs to be prepared for the fact that such a study will need to be completed more than once. After all, each trimester has its own characteristics, and if everything was fine in the first half of pregnancy, then complications are possible in the third trimester. They need to be noticed in time to ensure complete safety for the expectant mother and baby.