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The norm of daily diuresis during pregnancy.

The body of a pregnant woman needs fluid just like the body of any other person. Normally, daily water intake is 1-2 liters, in case of pregnancy it may slightly deviate up or down.

The following factors influence the volume of fluid drunk per day:

• temperature and humidity in the room;

• time of the year - in the summer you want to drink more and more often;

• labor intensity;

• medications taken;

• drinking habits developed over the years.

Normally, at least 70-80% of the volume of fluid taken per day should be excreted in the urine. The remaining 20% is excreted through the sweat glands. It is important to take into account the consumption of not only water, soup and tea, but also solid foods. Bread, flour products and chocolate contain a certain percentage of moisture. Ingredients information can be found on the product packaging.