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Condition of a woman in the second month of pregnancy.

In the second month of pregnancy, your condition no longer raises doubts that you are pregnant. Regular periods do not come, the symptoms characteristic of the state of pregnancy intensify, and pregnancy tests confidently show the presence in your body of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which is produced during pregnancy. Symptoms of the second month of pregnancy, such as nausea and even vomiting, frequent urination, increased sensitivity to odors, may not occur in all women, but still their presence is typical for most. In addition, the hormonal activity in your body during this period can cause other changes, such as increased hair loss, brittle nails, the appearance of age spots and skin rashes. The second month of pregnancy can also affect your psychological state: frequent unreasonable mood swings are a fairly common occurrence at this stage of pregnancy. You may also feel tired and sleepy.

If all these symptoms of pregnancy in the second month appear in all their glory, try to somehow adapt to your condition: fill your diet with foods that do not make you feel bad, stop using perfume for a while and ask your loved ones about the same, rest more, do not exclude physical activity from your life - this will help keep your body in good shape and have a positive effect on your psychological state.

The stomach at 2 months of pregnancy does not yet make it clear about your pregnancy status, but noticeable changes are already taking place in the chest. The breasts gradually fill up, increasing in size; at this stage of pregnancy, pain in the chest in the form of tingling may disturb. Darkening of the nipple halos is another sign of pregnancy that appears in the second month.

The second month of pregnancy may be accompanied by bloody discharge from the vagina. At this stage of pregnancy, such discharge is observed in about a quarter of pregnant women and is not dangerous. However, in some cases, such discharge in the second month of pregnancy may indicate an ectopic pregnancy or a threatened miscarriage, so if there is any, be sure to consult a doctor to determine their cause. Also, a dangerous symptom at this stage of pregnancy is abdominal pain, it can also signal the presence of any problems and requires immediate medical attention.

If you have not yet registered for pregnancy, then in the second month of pregnancy it is already time to do it. Doctors will conduct the necessary examinations and will monitor the course of your pregnancy, advising you on all emerging issues and providing personalized recommendations.

By the 2nd month of pregnancy, you already have to reconsider your lifestyle somewhat. Toxicosis of pregnancy can make some adjustments to it, forcing you to give up your usual food and change your daily routine. In the second month of pregnancy, rest more, do not lift weights, be attentive to your diet, make sure that it is healthy and contains all the nutrients and vitamins necessary for you and the developing baby. On the recommendation of a doctor, you can take special vitamin complexes for pregnant women. Be especially careful when taking medications: most of them are not recommended for use during pregnancy, so take any medications only in consultation with your doctor. Always remember that the first months of pregnancy is a critical period in the development of the fetus, since at this time all the main systems and organs are laid down, so the influence of harmful substances and factors on this process can be detrimental to the fetus or lead to developmental pathologies.