At the first signs of fertilization, the girl should go to the antenatal clinic to confirm her position and register. After all, medical supervision is very important during this period. For various reasons, pregnancy may not be confirmed: the test may show false data, the cycle may simply go astray for any other reason. The doctor, after examination, will confirm or refute this fact, but the presence of the fetus will definitely show the first ultrasound procedure.
Why is it important to have this procedure after a delay? Let's consider the reasons in more detail:
• With a long absence of menstruation, you can find out the true cause of the pathology, if fertilization is not confirmed. After all, such a development of events can signal the development of a gynecological disease.
• At an early stage, pregnancy can be determined by means of ultrasound.
• With the help of ultrasound, you can check whether the fetus is well attached, then assess its condition, exclude the development of any kind of anomalies.
• The procedure allows you to determine an ectopic pregnancy and protect the woman from the risk of harm to health and life.
• Ultrasound examination is the only reliable source with which you can see the fading of the fetus or a failed miscarriage.
• Ultrasound can save a child by showing in advance the threat of miscarriage due to increased tone or another reason. The doctor will promptly prescribe the necessary therapy.
Ultrasound examination is an absolutely safe procedure, both for the future baby and for the young mother. All prejudices about its harmfulness are a real myth.