How many days after conception can you recognize the onset of an interesting situation? The egg is fertilized on the day of ovulation or a couple of days later. But for this it is important that the spermatozoid gets to it. Through the fallopian tubes, the egg reaches the uterus, where it attaches to its mucous membrane. A woman feels a pulling pain in the lower abdomen, as before the onset of menstruation. From now on, she is a future mother.
An ultrasound to determine pregnancy will show an accurate result if a number of conditions and recommendations are observed:
• the procedure can determine the pregnancy and the number of fetuses by 90% accurately only at the 10th week, so it is worth observing the timing of the visits;
• lack of inflammation (due to edema, the device will not distinguish a tiny embryo);
• selection of the most appropriate type of ultrasound examination.
At what time can the origin of life be determined? This can be done in the first weeks of fertilization (at the 3rd week of pregnancy), but the result may not meet expectations. Therefore, it is best to wait and conduct the study according to the plan (at week 10). Of course, if there are no special indications for a premature examination for health reasons.
In modern medicine, the process of determining pregnancy in the early stages is represented by two options for ultrasound: transvaginal and abdominal. With the help of the first type, pregnancy can be determined as early as 21 days after conception. It is performed by inserting a special sensor into the vagina. This is a fairly accurate survey with the least error. The second type of study is capable of determining pregnancy 5 weeks after fertilization.
What ultrasound to do to determine pregnancy at an early stage? A gynecologist will answer a similar question after examining and assessing the state of health of the mother.