The types of echographic diagnostics used to clarify the fact of the possible emergence of a new life are identical to those used in gynecology for the study of the pelvic organs in women. There are two main options in Moscow clinics:
1. Transvaginal ultrasound (TVUS) - is carried out with a special sensor that is inserted into the vagina. It is the most informative method, experienced uzist gynecologists determine pregnancy at the earliest possible time - from 3-4 weeks. In addition, this type of ultrasound can determine pregnancy by indirect signs, for example, by the presence of a corpus luteum in the right or left ovary. If the period of menstruation has come, and there is a corpus luteum, then with a high degree of probability it can be assumed that you are "in an interesting position."
2. Transabdominal ultrasound - the sensor moves on the anterior abdominal wall, with a full bladder. To do this, either not urinate for 2-3 hours, or an hour before the start of the diagnosis, drink 2-3 glasses of water without gas. To scan the uterine cavity, ultrasound waves will need to travel a greater distance than with a vaginal approach. For this very reason, this ultrasound will show conception 1.5 - 2 weeks later, that is, at about 5 weeks. And if a woman has a large layer of subcutaneous tissue, then later.
Thus, it is better to do an ultrasound scan and find out if there is a pregnancy or not, from 3-5 days of delay, and the choice of transvaginal access will allow the gynecologist to diagnose in the shortest possible time.