In some situations, the gynecologist may prescribe a procedure without waiting 10 weeks. Here are some indications:
• If during the delay and the second strip appears on the test, the gynecologist does not observe signs of pregnancy during the examination;
• In the presence of pain in the lower abdomen (to exclude ectopic and threatened miscarriage);
• With a delay in menstruation for 2 weeks, after which spotting began. This may indicate a threat of interruption;
• If there is a suspicion of missed pregnancy;
• Recent infectious diseases and exposure to teratogenic factors;
• If conception occurred with an intrauterine device;
• Miscarriage history.
Ultrasound of early pregnancy is performed not only to confirm conception. Sometimes there are cases when a long delay occurs, but the gynecologist claims that fertilization has not occurred. Then ultrasound is necessary to identify the cause - it can be various gynecological pathologies (formation of cysts, the presence of inflammation, etc.). They should be identified as early as possible.