Alas, it will not work to determine pregnancy using ultrasound before the delay. The embryo, although it develops very quickly, is still too small.
And at what time will the ultrasound be informative? You can get pregnant on the day of ovulation or within the next few days. After that, the fertilized egg penetrates the uterine mucosa and is fixed.
The specialist must have sufficient qualifications to carry out such a subtle diagnosis. To find out how long an ultrasound shows pregnancy, it is better to contact a specialized clinic. Of course, the clinic must be equipped with modern equipment - you need a high-resolution ultrasound scanner.
A highly qualified specialist working on high-quality equipment can use ultrasound to determine pregnancy as early as 5-6 days after the delay. At this time, the size of the embryo is about 3-5 mm in diameter. Accordingly, approximately 3 weeks will pass (21 days after conception). Of course, before the study, it is recommended to do a pregnancy test. The clarity of the second strip depends on the level of hCG, which increases with the gestational age.
Fertilization could occur the day before ovulation, and a few days later - later the doctor will be able to tell the exact date. Depending on which day after ovulation or before conception occurred, the information content of the study in the coming days after the delay will depend.