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What is the difference between first and second births?

It is safe to say that the second birth will be different from the first. When a woman already has one baby in her arms, she devotes the whole day only to caring for him. Sometimes this does not allow even an experienced woman to notice the signs of another pregnancy, and often they differ from those she already knows.

The period of time that has passed since the first birth plays a big role. Our memory is not perfect, so after 5-7 years a new pregnancy is experienced as if it were the first time. In the case when conception occurs immediately after childbirth, the body is weakened and it is difficult for it to bear another child.


• various anemias;

• vitamin deficiency;

• lack of minerals;

• other factors.

The second pregnancy is easier to recognize. The mother already feels the fetus moving earlier. The baby is positioned lower than the first time due to already stretched ligaments and abdominal muscles. A woman has fewer problems with the stomach and breathing, but there are difficulties with the urinary system. These problems can be solved by a special course of physical exercises and wearing a bandage.

As a rule, couples have a second child in adulthood. If mommy has already suffered from or has chronic diseases, then toxicosis will be severe. Many women are also interested in pain sensations. If no more than a year has passed since the birth, the second time everything will go like clockwork. Some doctors believe that during the period of carrying a baby, nerve connections are created in a woman’s brain, which are also activated during the second pregnancy, if it occurs soon. If a year or more has passed since the first birth, the pain will be the same, although the process itself will pass faster.