It is often possible to understand that pregnancy has come, even in the early stages. The intensity of the signs and their presence depend only on the individual characteristics of the woman's body. Some may not notice any changes until the stomach begins to round.
In most cases, the first symptoms appear one or one and a half weeks after conception. The severity of changes in the usual state depends only on the susceptibility to changes in the hormonal background. Some women can determine this condition in themselves already on the 5th day.
The presence or absence of menstruation cannot be a reliable indicator of conception that has occurred. A delay may indicate the presence of various pathologies. There are also many cases when a pregnant woman's menstruation did not stop until 4 months of intrauterine development of the child.
Most of the symptoms that are characteristic of the onset of pregnancy may indicate the presence of other processes. Various diseases and pathological processes may have similar symptoms (for example, changes in progesterone levels). Therefore, when symptoms appear that indicate a possible conception, it is necessary for a doctor to accurately determine the condition.
It is important that pregnancy is determined early. A woman should be registered with a gynecologist, regularly monitor her condition and the condition of the fetus, and also make the necessary changes in her usual lifestyle.