Some possible indicators in the results of a general analysis of urine should be paid special attention.
• Acetone (ketone bodies) in the urine indicate a change in the acidity of the urine. This can be observed with toxicosis of the first half of pregnancy. With timely detection and detoxification therapy, pregnant women begin to feel better, vomiting attacks go away or their frequency decreases, and appetite returns.
• Salt/sediment in the urine indicate the possible presence of urolithiasis, metabolic disorders.
• Protein in the urine is the most alarming sign. In a healthy person, there is no protein in the urine; in late pregnancy, traces of protein (up to 0.09 g / l) are acceptable due to the peculiarities of the kidneys during pregnancy. However, any increase in protein above these figures (especially if there are edema and increased blood pressure) indicates the development of such a serious complication as preeclampsia. It can lead to convulsions in a pregnant woman, impaired development and growth of the fetus, and in severe cases, death of the woman and / or fetus.
• Glucose in the urine can be a sign of developing diabetes in pregnancy. Such patients must additionally pass blood glucose (on an empty stomach), as well as a glucose tolerance test and visit an endocrinologist to get detailed advice and necessary recommendations.
• White blood cells in the urine indicate the presence of an inflammatory process in the urinary system. It is imperative for such patients to pass a urine test according to Nechiporenko to determine an ascending infection and identify the possible development of an inflammatory process in the kidneys.
• Bacteria in the urine also indicate the presence of an inflammatory process. To determine the type of bacteria, their quantity, an additional bacterial culture of urine is carried out. Here it should be taken into account that if a large number of bacteria are detected, even in the absence of complaints in a pregnant woman, antibiotic therapy is necessary, since asymptomatic bacteriuria is a condition that threatens the development of the inflammatory process and intrauterine infection of the fetus.
If the deviations revealed in the analysis of urine are insignificant, the repeated analysis is necessary. If there are more significant deviations, an additional examination is required without re-taking a general urine test, sometimes even in a hospital setting.