Signs of spontaneous interruption of the gestation process with habitual miscarriage do not differ from those with sporadic pregnancy losses. Threatened abortion or premature birth are manifested by minor pelvic pain, as their intensity increases as they progress, bleeding from the vagina joins. With a non-developing pregnancy, body weight gain stops, signs of toxicosis disappear, the mammary glands soften, and there is no motor activity of the fetus.
There are no significant differences in the clinical picture in miscarriage caused by one or another causative factor, but some features can be noted. So, with ovarian insufficiency, pregnancy loss usually occurs in the first trimester (at the sixth or eighth week), interruption is preceded by frequent urination, separation of mucus from the vagina. With adrenal hyperandrogenism, the loss occurs in the second or third trimester, manifested by bloody discharge of varying intensity without other signs of interruption.
With ICI, usually from the second trimester, scanty mucous discharge with bloody streaks, a feeling of pressure, fullness, and stabbing pains in the vaginal area can be noted. Miscarriage associated with APS and hyperhomocysteinemia is characterized by an early (from the twentieth week) onset of gestosis, accompanied by persistent edema, thirst, headaches, nausea, vomiting, and deterioration in general well-being.