If the expectant mother has swelling, pain in the lower back and lower abdomen, it is necessary to exclude infectious and inflammatory processes. For this purpose, during pregnancy, a urine test according to Nechiporenko is prescribed, which will show the presence or absence of pathologies.
When conducting this urine test in pregnant women, two indicators are taken into account - the rate of leukocytes and erythrocytes in 1 ml of biological fluid. For leukocytes, it is 2000 in 1 ml, for erythrocytes - 1000. If the result is higher than normal, most likely it is an infection of the bladder, urethra and kidneys.
If the number of leukocytes is exceeded, then this may indicate pyelonephritis - inflammation of the kidneys. If the indicators are slightly increased, we can talk about the errors that the woman made during the collection of urine.
In order not to worry once again what a urine test shows during an existing pregnancy and how correct these results will be, the biological fluid for the study should be collected correctly.