How to properly take a urine test for pregnant women should be told by a gynecologist or midwife when registering, and only some women know about this before becoming pregnant.
Preparation for the collection of biological fluid is based not only on the observance of thorough hygiene measures, but also on separate recommendations for women:
• Approximately one day before taking a urine test, it is undesirable for a future mother to expose her body to physical and psycho-emotional stress, as they are fraught with the appearance of protein in the urine. Also during this time, it is important to stop eating spicy, salty and meat dishes. Compliance with these recommendations will allow you to get the correct information when deciphering the general urine test in pregnant women.
• Often a bad urinalysis obtained by a pregnant woman is the result of a carelessly selected container for collecting biological fluid. Currently, a sterile and compact jar for collecting analysis can be bought at a pharmacy.
• It is necessary to collect urine for analysis during pregnancy in the morning, immediately after waking up. In this case, the density of the collected body fluid will be more concentrated, so any abnormalities will be obvious.
• Many pregnant women who are going to study a general urine test are interested in: how much should I put in a jar so that the result is normal? Experts advise filling the container up to half.
How else to take a urine test during pregnancy: it is not recommended to shake and shake the sample, filter the urine through cheesecloth (some pregnant women do this in the hope of getting a good test result), the collected sample must be delivered to the laboratory within the next hour - only if all these conditions are met the result will be as correct and correct as possible.
During pregnancy, every woman should know how to take a general and daily urine test. This is important to protect yourself and your unborn baby from health problems.
Compliance with the rules on nutrition on the eve of the collection of biomaterial, the use of a sterile container is one of the conditions for a correct assessment of the result. With a responsible approach, a woman's pregnancy will end safely, and the birth itself will take place without complications.
Indicators of urine analysis during pregnancy are an important aspect to ensure its normal course.