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The very first signs of pregnancy.

The earlier a woman detects pregnancy, the more time she will have to undergo a specialized examination. It should be borne in mind that in the first days after conception, there can be no obvious signs of pregnancy.

To recognize the first symptoms that speak of pregnancy, you can have a number of signs.

Absence of menstruation.

Every woman knows about this symptom, it is considered the very first sign of pregnancy. When the egg is fertilized, the menstrual cycle is delayed, since the previously rejected endometrium is necessary for the fetus to develop fully. However, the first day of delay cannot be considered as a reliable sign, since the absence of menstruation is often caused by pathological changes in the organs of the reproductive system, stress, and hormonal disorders.

Enlargement and soreness of the mammary glands.

Women's breasts are very sensitive to hormonal changes in the body. When pregnancy occurs, there is a slight increase in the volume of the breast, an increase in the sensitivity of the nipples, as well as their soreness. Often in the halo area there is an increase in specific tubercles, which were previously barely palpable.

Frequent urination.

One of the early signs of pregnancy is an increase in the frequency of the urge to urinate. This symptom is formed against the background of increased production of hCG (chorionic gonadotropin). The urge to urinate can be disturbing even with a small filling of the bladder. It is observed mainly at night.

Change in taste preferences.

Increasing levels of hormones cause a change in taste preferences. Those food combinations that were previously unacceptable for a woman become objects of preference and vice versa. Also, a woman may feel a taste of metal in her mouth.

Fatigue and drowsiness.

These signs most often occur during the first gestation of the fetus. Strengthening the intensity of metabolic processes in the body, provokes a feeling of fatigue, drowsiness and a desire to rest. The hormone progesterone produced has a relaxing, calming effect. The feeling of fatigue haunts women throughout the day.

The appearance of this symptom is typical for 1.5 months of pregnancy. Sometimes the symptom occurs on the twentieth day from the moment of conception. Some women experience nausea earlier. This sign cannot be called one of the reliable ones, since the feeling of nausea is characteristic of diseases of the digestive system, cardiovascular and central nervous system. Only in combination with other signs, nausea indicates the development of pregnancy.