Pigmentary and inflammatory changes in the skin are noticeable symptoms of pregnancy. Hormonal changes that occur in a woman's body after conception have a great impact on the condition of the skin. Due to the sharp fluctuations in sex hormones, the face, neck and chest of a pregnant woman are dotted with age spots, spider veins appear on the legs and arms, similar in color to hematomas. With the birth of a baby, all pigmentation will disappear, mom should not worry about it. The sebaceous and sweat glands during gestation work hard, so many women have acne on their faces. Somewhere by the twelfth week of pregnancy, a longitudinal pigment strip appears on the mother's stomach, which will remain until the very birth. And already from the twentieth week of bearing a baby, stretch marks begin to form on the sides and lower abdomen. They are the more noticeable, the fuller the pregnant woman.