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Subjective sensations in early pregnancy.

Let's start with the subjective signs and symptoms of pregnancy. The characteristic clinical picture in the early stages can be easily confused with PMS.

Here are the key subjective symptoms.

Emotional disruptions. The mood is constantly changing. A good emotional state is suddenly replaced by tears, a period of psychological excitement suddenly sets in. Folk signs confirm: nervous tension and unreasonable mood swings signal pregnancy.

Feeling unwell. Sometimes women in the early stages believe that they have caught a cold: there are signs of acute respiratory infections. There is fatigue, weakness.

Changes in sex drive. During pregnancy, libido sometimes changes several times, deviating in opposite directions. Just two weeks after conception, the level of sexual activity can change dramatically.

Sleep disorders. Drowsiness is a characteristic symptom. A woman can sleep for 12 hours, but then still feel sleepy. Insomnia is also common.

Discomfort in the uterus. There is a stabbing pain in the uterus.

Heaviness in the pelvic area. When pregnancy occurs, blood circulation increases, blood flows better to the pelvic organs. This causes a feeling of heaviness in the uterus, small pelvis, a feeling of fullness.

Back pain. There are painful sensations in the lower back: aching and stabbing pain, backache. When the fetus develops, lower back pain begins to disturb even more often due to the growth of the uterus.

Increased sensitivity of the chest. The mammary glands also signal pregnancy already in the early stages. Even a light touch can cause pain.

Migraine. Headaches sometimes disturb for whole days, calming down only in the evening. This is one of the sure first signs of pregnancy.

Chills. Heat is replaced by chills, and vice versa. The sensation is internal, with it usually there is no increase in temperature.

Nausea. Women quite often ask how early toxicosis begins. In fact, the process is individual: sometimes vomiting, morning sickness begins already in the early stages.

Change in appetite, taste sensations. Pregnant women begin to notice that their appetite suddenly appears or disappears. Taste preferences also change: most often there is a strong craving for a particular product.

A sharp increase in sensitivity to odors. The sense of smell changes very much: many women note that during pregnancy they begin to feel odors acutely. Aversions appear to smells that previously seemed quite pleasant.

Allergies. A woman may experience allergic reactions that were not there before pregnancy.

Discomfort while sitting. It is in the sitting position that it becomes uncomfortable for a woman to sit, so she looks for a suitable position for a long time.

By such signs, women learn about pregnancy even before a delay. However, an accurate result is given by a blood test for hCG.