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Specific signs of pregnancy.

Some signs of early pregnancy do not appear in all women. For some, they are very pronounced, while for someone they are completely absent for the entire period of gestation. These changes in the body can mean not only the onset of pregnancy, but also any pathologies. Therefore, it is especially not worth focusing on them, although it should be taken into account. Specific symptoms during pregnancy are:

• profuse physiological discharge from the genitals, often in the form of whitish lumps;

• unpleasant "metallic" taste in the mouth;

• aversion to certain smells that previously seemed normal;

• sleep disturbance, insomnia, nightmares;

• swelling of the extremities under the influence of sex hormones that retain salt in the body;

• minor tingling in the uterus;

• frequent migraines as a result of hormonal changes in the body.