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Minor signs of pregnancy.

Less likely signs of pregnancy include many symptoms that can be observed in the early days:

• Increase in indicators of basal temperature. When a woman regularly monitors her menstrual cycle, she may experience an increase in basal temperature readings up to 37 ° C. 

• Feeling of heaviness in the pelvic region. In the event of conception, changes occur in the blood supply to the pelvic organs. Against this background, a woman may feel a feeling of heaviness and squeezing.

• Insomnia. The feeling of fatigue is often replaced by increased nervous excitability and insomnia.

• Lower abdominal pain. This symptom may occur during the formation of an ectopic implantation or miscarriage. If the onset of pregnancy is spontaneously interrupted, then in combination with pain in the lower abdomen, bloody discharge from the vagina appears.

• Pain in the lower back. With the onset of conception, a pulling pain in the lumbar region may be felt. In addition, this symptom may indicate kidney disease.

• Headache. The change in the hormonal background is accompanied by neurological symptoms. A woman in position may have a spontaneous headache.

• Increased appetite. The acceleration of metabolic processes during pregnancy causes an increase in appetite.

• Enhanced sense of smell and taste. If a woman did not pay attention to some smells before, then from the moment of pregnancy she may feel disgust for them. The same applies to the taste parameters of some products.

• Irritability, mood swings. Many pregnant women complain of emotional lability and mood swings.

• Implantation bleeding. One of the signs of pregnancy at 1 week, which indicates the implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterine wall. 

• Digestive disorders. Vomiting, constipation or diarrhea, belching may appear as secondary signs of pregnancy.

• Change in weight. When a pregnant body strives to provide the developing fetus with the necessary nutrients, a woman may notice an increase in body weight.

• Restless sleep. Hormonal restructuring affects the emotional background of a woman. Expectant mothers may have difficulty falling asleep.

• Stinging in the uterus. This symptom occurs quite rarely, since not every woman can recognize it. Local changes in the uterine cavity can provoke a tingling sensation.

• Feeling of heat and chills. This symptom has nothing to do with a violation of the body's thermoregulation. Such reactions occur against the background of hormonal imbalance.

• Discomfort while sitting. This symptom is due to increased blood supply in the pelvis.

• Swelling of the face, hands and feet. Pregnancy is characterized by fluid retention in the body.

• Acne. If a woman has not previously experienced skin problems, then during pregnancy, acne may appear in the face. This happens due to changes in the hormonal background.

• Bloating. The increase in hormone levels helps to relax the intestinal muscles. The result is flatulence.

• Strengthening of the venous pattern on the breast. From the moment of fertilization of the egg, the female body begins to prepare for feeding the child. A characteristic venous pattern indicates the preparation of the mammary glands for lactation.

• Darkening of the skin around the nipples. Another symptom of preparation for lactation.

• Redness of the skin of the face. The change in hormonal levels affects the tone of the capillaries, which become prone to expansion.

• Changes in the pigmentation of the white line of the abdomen. Pregnant women have a characteristic pigmented "path" that runs from the navel to the upper edge of the pubic bone.

• Exacerbation of hemorrhoids. If a woman suffered from hemorrhoids before pregnancy, then with its onset, an exacerbation of the disease may occur.

• Spasms of calf muscles. Another minor sign indicating a change in metabolism.

• Low or high blood pressure. Most often, expectant mothers are prone to high blood pressure, however, a decrease in this parameter may also indicate pregnancy.

• Reduced immunity. In order for the pregnancy to proceed without peculiarities, immunity is suppressed in the female body. Frequent cases of colds and SARS can also serve as symptoms of pregnancy.

• Thrush. Such a fungal disease occurs with a decrease in local immunity.