There are various methods for determining pregnancy. Some of them are effective in the early stages. However, none of the methods will determine whether conception occurred before the fifth day after fertilization.
Express pregnancy test. With it, it is impossible to accurately determine the onset of pregnancy in the first days. The principle of the test is a reaction to the content of the hormone (chorionic gonadotropin). In the normal state, its indicators are quite low, and begin to increase 1-2 weeks after conception. Only after 2 weeks, the test results may indicate the onset of fertilization.
Examination at the gynecologist. The doctor conducts an external examination and palpation. The following signs indicate the onset of pregnancy:
• change in pigmentation of the outer part of the genital organs;
• change in the size of the uterus;
• greater mobility of the uterus;
• change in the position of the uterus;
• softening of the uterus in the isthmus.
Analysis of blood and urine for the content of chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). This hormone is found in the body of men and women in small quantities (less than 15 units per milliliter of blood). After conception, its level begins to rise. During the first and second weeks, the level can increase to 300 units, in the third week - 1500 units. By the end of the fourth week, his indicators reach the level of 5000 units per milliliter of blood. The maximum level of the hormone is observed at 7-8 weeks.
Ultrasonography. This method is the most effective for accurately determining pregnancy. Also, with the help of it, you can find out about the condition of the unborn child. Earlier than 20 days after fertilization, an ultrasound scan may not give results.
The first signs of pregnancy and two strips on the test, in most cases, indicate a successful conception. Even if you are sure that the pregnancy has come, you need to visit a doctor. This will help not only to obtain confirmation of conception, but also to determine the state of health of the woman. It is necessary to exclude any diseases and inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary system.
It is equally important during the first trimester to make sure that the pregnancy is uterine. The signs of an ectopic are no different, and in the early stages this condition cannot be determined by the woman's own feelings.