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Discharge during pregnancy.

In the first week of pregnancy, more abundant than usual discharge may appear. They are often yellowish-brown in color and have a smearing character. Experts also call them implantation bleeding, which occurs when a fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus. Many women do not pay attention to such discharge. If they do not stop after a missed period, you should consult a doctor to eliminate the risk of miscarriage. Normal secretions play a big role: they protect the woman's body and the developing embryo. They contain a large number of hydrogen ions. This is a kind of barrier that protects against germs. Often, at the very beginning of pregnancy, thrush develops in women, which is associated with changes in the body. In addition, implantation secretions are a breeding ground for the development of Candida fungus. It is impossible to start the disease, as infection of the fetus can occur. Also, thrush negatively affects the tissues of the genital organs: they become less elastic. During childbirth, due to candidiasis, the risk of ruptures increases.