Hormonal changes begin to occur in the body of the expectant mother literally from the first days after conception. Some may have many different signs and changes in their usual state at once. And others do not notice anything unusual until the first delay (if any). If there is no delay, then pregnancy can even be a surprise for a period of about 3-4 months.
But, nevertheless, in the majority, after the egg has been fertilized and the embryo begins to develop, manifestations that are uncharacteristic of the normal state begin. This may concern both behavior and emotional and psychological state, as well as changes in tastes and the appearance of some soreness. Often they occur before the delay of menstruation.
Typical changes that appear already in the first weeks:
• Frequent fluctuations in emotions - a quick transition from a cheerful state to tears.
• General malaise, fatigue, weakness.
• Heaviness and slight pain in the pelvic area.
• Increased drowsiness or insomnia.
• Sensitive and restless sleep.
• Frequent and prolonged headaches.
• Heaviness and discomfort in the pelvic area, especially when sitting.
• Attacks of chills and heat.
• Uncharacteristically large appetite and desire to eat atypical foods.
• Nausea, vomiting, heartburn and pain in the stomach and intestines (toxicosis).
• Hypersensitivity to smells and their rejection (even habitual and favorite).
The appearance of one of these signs will depend only on the reaction of the woman's body to changes in hormonal levels. Many observe these signs and sensations every month during PMS and during menstruation.