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When a plan is conceived?

Of course, these factors do not exhaust the entire set of arguments that guide couples planning to conceive. Sometimes career considerations come to the fore, and material resources. Someone definitely wants his child was born under a certain sign of the Zodiac, and carefully calculate the time of conception, based on the desired time of birth.

There are times when parents dream that their child's birth coincided (or in any case did not coincide) with a sort of holiday or birthday of someone of the older children or other family members. Sometimes, the future Pope (or the mom), whose birthday falls on the summer months, suffered in childhood from the inability to share the holiday with friends at school (since all are leaving in the summer), seeks to save his child from such a fate, and plans conceived accordingly.

In general - compare, weigh, "for" and "against" plan! No matter what you're guided by considerations when planning the time of conceiving a child, do not forget the need to undergo a medical examination prior to pregnancy (it is necessary for both prospective parents) parents should be sure that we have done everything possible so that their baby was born healthy!