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Modern methods of planning gender of the child

The first one is based on the calculation of the date on which ovulation occurs in women. It is known that sperm carrying the "male" Y-chromosome, live on less than a sperm carrying a "female" X-chromosome, but they move more actively. Therefore, if sexual intercourse takes place on the day of ovulation, the "male" sperm to the egg come first, and after 9 months of light appears on the boy. And if sexual intercourse takes place 1-2 days before ovulation, the "male" sperm time to die at the time of oocyte maturation, and develops a girl.

This forecast is true in 58-63% of cases, that is, the effectiveness of this method of planning gender of the child is 8-13%.

The second "modern" method of planning offers prospective parents to refrain from love, if they want a girl, and make love as often as possible, so that a boy was born. It is assumed that the specific antibodies produced in the male in the case of long-term abstinence. These antibodies inactivate sperm carrying the Y-chromosome. Therefore, the probability of conception after abstinence girls is highest, and vice versa.

Stork performs correctly in the order of 65-70 out of 100 cases using this method of planning. However, a couple wishing to become parents of girls who have hard times, as the period of abstinence should last at least a half months, and abstinence should be very complete. Even a few kisses can spoil everything.