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Conceiving a child in the winter or spring
In the winter Conception Pregnancy deprived of this advantage, which is present if the child was conceived in the spring and its birth is expected in late fall or winter. A child conceived and born in the winter, respectively, in the fall enjoy the same advantage. Winter is also necessary to pre-conceived "vitaminize".
Some inconvenience can deliver the hot summer months, coinciding with the second half of pregnancy (the probability of more severe late gestosis).
Spring conception takes place against the backdrop of a lack of vitamins (in advance so you should consult with your doctor and ask him to find you an appropriate vitamin complex).
In the summer term of pregnancy is not very large, so the season is more favorable course of pregnancy. The main advantage of pregnancy, which accounts for the end of autumn - early winter - the high content of melatonin in the body.
Cons - increased risk of SARS and influenza, as well as slippery (in winter), the streets and the need to wear heavy winter clothing. But the baby is born in the winter, though unable to walk in the fresh air and get enough sunlight immediately after birth, is protected from virus diseases (which are frequent in winter and early spring) due to maternal antibodies, which he gets the milk.